How to Get Rid of Dark Armpits

Do you feel apprehensive of wearing sleeveless party dress? You may even feel embarrassed. It is because of dark underarms. Underarms are not among the body skin that you pamper everyday. We overlook it for many reasons. But when it comes to sweating or odor, we become cautious of it. This is not often visible and even gorgeous ladies will have the problem of dark armpits. Not many will be able to maintain a proper hygiene of their armpits that will make it look odd and dark. It will not be possible to flaunt your style or dance your heart out until your clear this specific problem. Here we have few simple ways in which you can get rid of dark armpits.

Personal hygiene is important

Put first things first. Make sure to take care of your underarms as you do for your body skin. Regularly cleanse, moisturize and keep it away from any dirt or grim. Sweat and bacteria is the reason for dark armpits and pigmentation in armpits. Scrubbing and exfoliating regularly can help. It will remove the dead and dry skin from this area. This will help in stopping the bacteria build-up in your underarms and lighten it.

Home remedies you can try

  1. Lemon is natural bleach that lightens the skin underarms. It is also an effective antibacterial.  A mix of lemon and sugar can help in exfoliating the darkened area.
  2. Turmeric and yogurt is also a great home remedy. You can mix lemon with turmeric or yogurt and apply the paste in your underarms.
  3. Potato juice is excellent bleach as well. It will lighten up the skin when used regularly. For sensitive skin, you can use potato instead of lemon as it is milder than lemon.
  4. Baking soda can be an excellent scrub for reducing pigmentation. Applying baking soda mixed with water can remove dead skin and keep underarms odor-free.
  5. Natural Oils does wonders to dark underarms. Coconut oil contains rich vitamin E which helps in underarms whitening.
  6. You can also use vitamin E capsule extracts for the purposes of underarm lightening.

A word for care

  • Your deodorant and body sprays can be also the reason for underarm darkening. Low quality sprays can contain chemicals that cause darkening.  With proper cleaning and scrubbing, you can reduce the use of antiperspirants.
  • Reduce the use of Hair removal creams and shaving creams for hair removal. Shaving can cause darkness, since it will leave thick hair surface that makes the skin look darkened. Waxing can prevent darkness but is a painful process.

These home remedies help to get rid of dark armpits. Try it out and let us know how it worked out for you in the comments section.


A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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