Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron

Similar to vitamins, minerals are also essential for human body. Iron is one of the essential minerals that provide ample benefits for the body. Primarily, iron is helpful in transporting our body’s oxygen to all parts. This essential component plays a crucial role in aiding the process of haematopoiesis – the production of red blood cells. Even a slight deficiency of iron has the possibilities to affect the body’s oxygen-binding and consequently lead to much noticeable health effects. Moreover, while consuming fruits and vegetables rich in iron, there are few things to keep in mind as even high amount of iron can hinder your health by interfering with body metabolism.

It is well-known that meat is the prominent source of iron. However, for vegans and veggie lovers, there are so many fruits and vegetables that can supplement the body’s requirement for iron. Here is a list of fruits and vegetable rich in iron content.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Raisins or dried fruits are rich sources of iron. They contain high sugar and calories and so you have to be careful in eating them. Dried fruits include raisins, apricots, pears, figs, prunes & currants. You have to take raisins and other dried fruits with hot or cold cereals and yoghurt. This will aid in your body’s absorption of iron.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Cooked greens have rich iron content and should be added to fresh salads or leafy green veggies. Spinach, Kale, and other types of greens are to be cooked and consumed. Adding these greens to your diet every week can improve your body’s red blood cells. You can also use them raw in your salads along with other iron-rich foods. It also has vitamin c, which helps in absorbing iron. Spinaches can be seasoned with olive oil for added flavor and health benefits.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Baked potatoes can be the best iron-rich option for vegans. It is also packed with vitamins that help in iron absorption. Potatoes can be taken both as main dish as well as side dish. You can combine mashed or whole potatoes in any meal of the day with chopped vegetables. A medium sized potato is estimated to have 3.2 mgs of iron content and around 250 calories.

Green Peas

Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron

Green peas

Green peas has rich source of iron and one serving of it can supply quarter of your daily required iron intake. It also has vitamin C content. You can use green peas boiled and topped with fresh salads. With its slight sweeter taste, green peas also have other nutrients.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Pumpkins are yet another iron source that is commonly available. You can also take pumpkin seeds which is equally beneficial. These pumpkin seeds could be used by adding to smoothies, yoghurt or any dish you wish. You can top them with honey while serving.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Tomatoes can be used as an iron supplement. Adding to the taste and flavor it gives to your foods, tomatoes are versatile in usage. You can have stewed tomatoes with sauces or make tomatoes soup for an appetizer. Sun-dried tomatoes have rich iron content along with high antioxidants, vitamin C and lycopene – which boosts your body health.


Fruits and Vegetables that are Rich In Iron


Raw parsley is a common garnishing variety but could be less known for its iron content. You can use it in vegetable/fruit salads. It also has very tiny calorie count and could be enjoyed even by dieters.

We have to be cautious in using iron-rich foods in our diet, as some foods can assist while some can hinder your body’s absorption of iron.

  • It is always preferable to use iron-rich foods with vitamin C rich foods.
  • Also avoid drinking much caffeine or tea.
  • Moreover, consuming calcium-rich foods with iron-rich foods can hinder your body system.
  • For better absorption of iron into the body, you can have broccoli or strawberries after the meal.

Fruits and Vegetables with Iron inhibitors

There are several foods with ‘iron inhibitors’, which prevent the absorption of iron in our body. While consuming iron supplements, be sure not to include these fruits into your diet. Some of the foods with ‘iron inhibitors’ are eggs, dairy products, foods with high oxalates, and Polyphenol-Rich Foods like tea, coffee, or spices.

So, make sure to take enough fruits and vegetables rich in iron to your diet for healthy living. Also make sure to follow a right routine and balance food diet, which will be really beneficial.


A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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