Refreshing Mint Lassi for Hot Summer

mint lassiIf you are looking for a refreshing healthy drink, here we have one for you. With the hot weather returning back in the end of summer days, this simple and refreshing Mint Lassi recipe can be a best bet. Lassi can be made in a moment of time with easy ingredients at home.  However, adding some flavor spices and herbs to it can not only improve its taste but also benefit the health. Here is a simple Mint Lassi that can be made easily.


Yoghurt – ½ cup

Mint – 1 tbsp.

Raw sugar – ¼ tsp.

Cardamom powder – ¼ tsp.

Water – ½ cup

Directions to Prepare

  • Put all the ingredients together in a blender and mix thoroughly smooth.
  • Serve chilled. You can also add ice cubes while blending.

Benefits of Mint Lassi

Mint Lassi is an excellent refreshing drink for summer times. This thick creamy texture of Lassi can be flavored up with sweet or spice.

  1. Since lassi is prepared with yoghurt, it benefits the digestive system and colonizes the intestinal gut with healthy bacterium.
  2. It improves body immunity and keeps the internal organs cool during hot weather times.
  3. Mint Lassi is rich in calcium, protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates.
  4. Even for people with lactose intolerance, Mint lassi can be a preferable option as it converts the lactose into glucose and galactose.
  5. Added with cardamom, this lassi is said improve your appetite.
  6. The added mint leaves helps as a digestive aid and coolant.
  7. The probiotic nature of yoghurt in mint lassi is known for its friendly bacteria and helps in reducing body cholesterol.
  8. It also helps in absorption of nutrients in the intestines and boosts your body metabolism.
  9. Lassi can be a rehydrating drink for those who suffer from diarrhea.
  10. Substituting a glass of mint lassi during weight loss programs can get you going fuller and longer.


A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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