Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine – Thirikadugam

Thirikadugam is a conventional name of an Ayurvedic medicinal formula with a combination of three ingredients. In Tamil, Thiri means three and Kadugam means herbal ingredients. All the three ingredients are of great medicinal value and so are used for variety of reasons in Indian kitchen.Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine called Thirikadugam

The three ingredients are:

Sukku / Dry Ginger

Milagu / Pepper

Thippili / Long Pepper

In India, these herbal ingredients are suitable for treating various health problems. Since this is totally herbal formula, it is safe for all ages. This combination of ingredients serves the purpose of healing lots of issues and here are few remedies that can be done at home. Such home remedies are actually quite effective.

1. For Heart Burn / Ache

Sukku / Dry Ginger  – 10 gm

Milagu / Pepper – 10 gm

Thippili / Long Pepper – 10 gm

Ginger – 10 gm

Salt – to taste

Mix all the ingredients above in 200ml of water and boil it. Pour it into a bottle and add sugar or jaggery. You can store this mixture for the next three days. You have to drink this fluid three times a day for three consecutive days. This will help in relieving heart pain/ heart burn.

2. Thirikadugam Powder:

Dry all the three ingredients in bright sun for 15-20 minutes, until it gets crisp. Make a herbal powder by taking equal amounts of all the three ingredients and grind them coarsely in mixer. Do not sieve the powder. You can store this in a container for a long time and use when needed. You can refrigerate it for up to 6 months.

Home-brewed drink for severe Body Ache and Illness

The drink can be used for any illness from common cold, severe body ache to fever. It can also be used for treating any indigestion.

Directions to make the herbal decoction:

  1. Boil a cup of water and add ½ teaspoon full of this herbal powder.
  2. Let it boil for few minutes and strain the mixture.
  3. If you want a sweetener, you can add honey, palm sugar, or jaggery.

You can drink this twice a day until you get well. This is a great refreshing drink for anyone. You can give the drink for children above the age of four or five.



A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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