Beauty Benefits Of Ice Cubes For Skin
Ice cubes are a perfect remedy for this summer. An ice cube is not only used for chilling the drinks but can also be used as a great cooling agent for skin. An ice cube can soothe sunburns, reduces pimples, boost blood circulation and work as a natural primer. The effects of using ice cubes in the face are amazing. Here are some you can use ice cubes for beauty purposes.
Cucumber Ice Cubes
Cucumbers are naturally cooling and they moisturize the skin. Using cucumber ice cubes help you to deal with stubborn dark circles.
- Pour a cucumber juice into an ice tray and freeze.
- Let the cube sit for 30 seconds. Gently rub the ice cube on your face.
- You can let the juice to sit on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing.
Aloe vera Ice Cubes
Aloe vera is a great moisturizer and skin soother. The soothing and cooling effect of aloe vera provides comfort for the sunburns.
- Pour aloe vera gel in the individual sections of the ice tray and freeze for at least 2 hours.
- Remove the aloe vera ice cube from the tray and rub all over the skin.
- The cooling effect of aloe vera will feel amazing on sunburns.
Green Tea Ice Cubes
Green Tea has plenty of antioxidants and a dose of caffeine, it’s a perfect eye soother. It will reduce the inflammation, while also replenishing your skin.
- Brew a cup of unsweetened green tea and pour the tea in the ice tray and let it freeze.
- Rub the green tea ice cube all over the face and let it sit on your face.
- This with exfoliate the skin and rinse off with lukewarm water.
Milk Ice Cubes
Milk is a natural skin whitener and it is also said to lighten one’s skin tone. It can cleanse your pores and helps to keep your skin clean and clear. Milk also repairs aged skin.
- Pour cold milk in the ice tray allow it to freeze.
- Cleanse your face and gently massage ice cubes on the face.
- Let it sit on your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
- You can use this before bedtime and you’ll wake up with glowing skin in next morning.
Potato Ice Cubes
Potato works well in lighting skin pigmentation and corrects uneven dark spots and treats blemishes. It can help remove dead cells in the skin. Potato thus brightens your skin and keeps it glowing.
- Peel the potato and grate it.
- Add your grated potato to a blender and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into it.
- Pour the mixture in an ice tray and allow it to freeze it 5-6 hours.
- Pick one ice cube and rub it over your face for a couple of minutes.
- Rinse off with cold water.
Add your grated potato to a blender and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into it. Pour the mixture in an ice tray and allow it to freeze it 5-6 hours. Pick one ice cube and rub it over your face for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
A Word For Care
- Wear gloves to hold ice cubes. Remember that cryotherapy or cold therapy with the use of freezing temperatures is always done on a clean face.
- Also,do not use ice directly on your face.
- Cover ice cubes with a soft cloth or plastic bags before you massage your face.
- To avoid skin burns, never apply ice packs to your body for more than 1 hour.