Benefits of Cashew Milk

Nut milks are the latest buzz. They are healthy and delicious. Almond milk, Brazil nut milk, and cashew milk are few that are used for good reasons. The creamy satisfying taste of nut milks makes them a great substitute to cow’s milk. These nut milks are often used in making recipes and savory dishes. Moreover, for those who has intolerance to cow’s milk and dairy products can get the benefit of nut milks. Many use these nut milks for adding a variety to their daily routine. Whatever the reason be, nut milks are finally the new entry to your dairy setting aside your animal-based milks. Here we have the benefits of cashew milk and how to make it.

Cashew milk can be mixed with smoothies or coffee/tea as well. You can also add them while preparing baked foods and other delights. Cashew milk is usually less nutty than almond milk but quite creamier than it. You can serve them chilled with some cookies or brownies.

Health benefits of cashew milk

  • Apart from the flavor and versatile use of cashew milk, they are super healthy as well. The nutritional benefits of cashew have its impact in the milk.
  • Cashews are rich in plant-based protein and unsaturated fatty acids. The healthy fat content in cashew milk can reduce the risk of coronary diseases.
  • Moreover, it has high dietary fiber and antioxidants that reduce obesity and help in combating cancer/diabetes.
  • The rich minerals and vitamins content help in maintaining bone health. It particularly has vitamin K, which prevents fractures and helps in naturally treating osteoporosis.
  • For persons with lactose intolerance, cashew milk with be an added bonus.
  • Cashew milk is cholesterol free.

How to make Cashew milk

Cashew milk is an easy recipe and it takes less than your normal time to prepare. Cashew milk is usually done by whipping up the soaked cashews. Here is a detailed instruction on how to make it.


Cashews – 1cup

Sea salt – ¼ tsp

Dates – 3 pieces (optional)

Pure vanilla – ½ tsp (optional)

Water or coconut water – 4 cups

Direction to use
  • Take cashew nuts in a bowl and pour some water into it.
  • Allow it to soak for 4 hours or overnight.
  • Next day morning drain the cashews, and rinse well until all the dirt comes out.
  • Take a high power blender, put cashews and add some water blend it well so that the liquid resembles thin milk.
  • Now add all the remaining ingredients into it and blend it again.
  • Blend well until you get a fine puree.
  • Now your delicious cashew milk is ready to drink.
  • You can also store this milk in refrigerator and use it within 3 days.
  • If you want completely pure smooth milk means you can strain this puree using nut milk bag.
  • Take a container or a bowl and then place nut milk bag over it.
  • Now pour the cashew milk puree into the nut milk bag and allow it to drain.
  • Then squeeze the nut milk bag to speed up the straining process.
  • Now you will get the pure smooth cashew milk.

A Word for Care

  • You can also control the sweetness level of the cashew milk. Alternatively you can add your favorite natural flavors with the milk.
  • For adding flavors, you can use cinnamon, rosewater, fresh berries, cocoa, turmeric, ginger, lime zest, mangoes, basil, cayenne, or nutmeg.
  • This cashew milk can be prepared in whatever consistency you want. Just adjust the amount of water used.
  • If you have treenut allergies or any specific problem with cashews, make sure to consult a physician before use.
  • Compared to cow’s milk, cashew milk has lesser protein. So make sure to take good protein supplements.



A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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