Home Remedies to maintain Oral Hygiene

Home remedies for Oral Hygiene

Oral Health is Overall Health

Oral hygiene is very important for everybody because everyone wants white teeth and repels bad breath. Having poor oral hygiene is the reason for most of the dental problems. We need to take care of our oral health in many ways. Cleaning our teeth twice a day is not enough for healthy teeth. We have to gargle our mouth after every meals. In-order to remove bacteria from mouth we have to use some natural ingredients to maintain our oral hygiene. By using these we can prevent most dental problems, gum diseases, yellowing of teeth, bad breath, cavities and gingivitis.

Here are some of the natural remedies to maintain good oral hygiene.

Baking soda:

Do you have tooth sensitivity problem? Then baking soda is the best remedy to reduce your sensitivity problem. This tooth sensitivity occurs when enamel of our teeth gets thinner, or due to gum recession. Lack of pH value in our mouth will leads to damage our enamel in our teeth. Here is a simple remedy for sensitive teeth.

Take 1 cup of water and add 1 pinch of baking soda in it. Now gargle your mouth using this water once in a week. You will relieve from this sensitivity problem soon.

Coconut oil:

Bleeding gums are another major problem. Oil pulling is the best remedy for gum problems. Not only for bleeding gums but also for yellowish teeth problem, we can do oil pulling.

Daily morning before going to brush your teeth put some coconut oil in your mouth and gargle it for 4-5 minutes. You will get relieved from most of the dental problems.

Neem leaves:

Neem leaves have anti bacterial and anti-microbial properties. That is why it was actually used by our ancestors for many health problems. They used neem stick to brush their teeth. It is one of the best oral care treatments. We can also try this neem stick to brush our teeth. you can also add some neem leaves into boiling water and use that water to gargle your mouth. This is one of the best natural remedy to maintain our oral hygiene.

Alum (padikaram):

Most of the people today are having bad breath problem. We can get rid of this problem easily by using some natural ingredients like alum (padikaram).

Take 1 cup of water add 1 pinch of salt into it,

then add ¼ tsp of alum (padikaram) and strain this mixture using a strainer.

Now gargle using this water regularly.

This will helps to protect bad breath. Alum (padikaram) has toxins which reduces the bad breath. It is widely available in all grocery stores or country medical shops (naattu marundhu kadai).

Fenugreek leaves:

Take 1 cup of water and add some fenugreek leaves (vendhaya keerai). Boil it for about 10 minutes then strain it. Use this water to gargle your mouth daily. Fenugreek leaves has anti-biotic property which used to will reduce bad breath and also mouth ulcer.

Salt water:

This is the one of the best remedy for the throat infection. Take 1 cup of boiling water; add 2 tsp salt in it. Use this water to gargle your mouth daily. This will remove bacteria in your mouth and throat. Then we will get relief from throat infections easily.

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1 Response

  1. Aakash says:

    Gud one. Throw more light on newer developments in dental adhesion please…

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