How to Get rid of Body Odour?

Everyone’s body emits a sort of odour. But sometimes, this body odour gets intense due to excessive perspiration and bacterial formation. This body odour problem is common for many. It is sickly embarrassing. You could feel diffident meeting people and engaging in intimate relationships because of body odour. Not all body odour is the cause of excessive sweating. There are various other reasons such as bacteria, food habits, and more. Most of the time, it is the body process in which bacteria starts growing on sweat-prone skin region such as underarms, groin, thighs, foot, etc.,.  It is important to keep our body clean and smelling good all day. There are several tricks and methods through which you can get rid of body odour. We are unveiling few natural home remedies that you can try to combat body odour.

Drinking water

Drinking plenty of water is the easiest way to remove body odor. Drinking at least 4 to 5 liters of water per day helps to keep your body and skin hydrated. This water will remove all your unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your skin healthy and hydrated. If we remove toxins means the odor will be removed too.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an effective natural remedy. It also helps to remove body odor effectively. The citric acid in lemon juice helps to control the growth of bacteria from your body. For this, you have to apply some lemon juice on the areas you sweat a lot. Applying this on daily basis to will help to get rid of body odor quickly. It also prevents perspiration.


Turnip helps prevent excessive sweating related body odour. This method will help keeping body odour at bay at least for around 10 hours.

  • Cut turnip into small pieces and crush them using a mortar and pestle.
  • Press the crushed pieces in a sieve to extract the juice.
  • This turnip juice extract can be applied on underarms and groin area.
  • Allow it to dry.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a magical remedy, there’s just nothing that it can’t help. The anti-septic property in the ACV helps to eliminate odors from your skin. This will also kills the bacteria the found in the skin.

  • To remove body odor, dap a cotton swap into ACV and apply it on the sweat prone areas.
  • Allow it to dry and then rinse it off when you take your shower.
  • If you have sensitive skin, test before apply it on your skin.

Holy basil

Generally in India we use holy basil as a remedy for lung cold and flu. But it also used for body odor. To remove body odor, follow these simple steps.


Holy basil leaves – 5 to 7

Tea tree oil – few drops

Direction to use
  • First take some fresh holy basil leaves and crush them well.
  • Now add few drops of tea tree oil into it and mix them well together.
  • Now, apply this paste to your underarm area and leave it to dry.
  • Rinse it off using ordinary water, no need to apply soap after that.

Baking soda

Baking soda act as a anti-bacterial cleanser, this will helps to remove body odor easily.

  • Take baking soda and lemon juice in equal parts.
  • Mix them well until a runny paste is formed.
  • Now apply this paste all over your body while you take your shower.
  • Gently rub it add rinse it off using water.
  • After rinsing you can apply mild soap to clean it completely.

Mint leaves

Generally mint leaves have an ability to kill any type of bacteria found in the skin and also it reduces the toxins too. Like holy basil leaves mint leaves also has some anti-septic properties.

  • Take some fresh mint leaves and boil them in four cups of water.
  • Now add this water into your bath water.
  • Soak your body in this water for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this process every two days once.
  • This will helps to remove your body odor quickly.

A Word for Care:

  • Keep yourself clean and neat.
  • Dry you body completely.
  • Shave your underarms regularly, to prevent bacteria and dirt from forming.
  • Cut odor-triggering foods such as broccoli, cabbage, red meat, fish and processed foods.
  • Be hygienic in all ways. So, use clean socks and shoes.
  • Apart from natural remedies, use a good deodorant as well to prevent excess perspiration.

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1 Response

  1. aakash says:

    gud post. keep it in simple english. atleast use commonly used terms

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