Meditation Carnival: The Right Vipassana

meditation carnival

Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness – Swami Vivekananda.

Amidst the meddling daily routine, our mind needs a state of solitude. Meditation is an age-old technique that provides relaxation for the mind and body. You might have heard about the benefits of meditation but what if you have not experienced all by yourself.  If you are finding ways to reap the benefits of meditation, there comes an amazing opportunity.

Meditation Carnival – The Right Vipassana Registration – Check below

What is Meditation?

Generally, meditation is known as an art of living. It is an ancient tradition that is transcended through generations. Though these practices existed for centuries, recent decades show increased interest in meditation of eastern cultures.

Meditation is a mind-body practice through which individuals move beyond the mental tension and stress-inducing thoughts of the present mind. The beauty of meditation lies in how it generates a peaceful clarity to the mind and present moment awareness. The fundamental core of any meditation technique is to cultivate expanded mode of consciousness and mindful awareness.

Of course, there are different types of meditations, derived from varying cultures. Some of which are Concentrative/Reflective Meditation, Zen Meditation, Vipassana Meditation, Heart-Centered Meditation, Creative Meditation, and more. Each type of meditative practices strives to keep your mind and body in a healthy sync. Among these, the Vipassana Meditation is an ancient Indian technique practiced more than 2500 years ago as a cure for universal ills.

What is Vipassana?

Vipassana is a still/mindfulness meditation technique that purifies the body and mind at the fundamental particle level. Vipassana literally means ‘to view things as they are’. Practicing Vipassana meditation trains your mind to a state of equanimity – free from attachments or aversions.

There are hearsays that Vipassana was practiced by Buddha to attain enlightenment. Vipassana is considered one of the Gautama Buddha’s spiritual testaments towards spirituality. His rational meditation techniques helped the followers to attain great spiritual levels.

Benefits of Vipassana

The practice of Vipassana meditation is likely to have many of the outputs attained from all forms of meditation but at an intense level. Some of the possible benefits that comes out of Vipassana meditation are

  • Reduces stress and emotional imbalance
  • Increased concentration ability
  • Awareness of present moment
  • Inner calmness and peace in a positive environment
  • Clearing away of chunks of clutters in mind
  • Increased sense of objectivity

Vipassana meditation strives for encountering a deeper meditative state, with a little effort. This is the reason why this Vipassana course has become so popular in the recent years among people of all walks of life, irrespective of religions, social sects, and nationalities.

Information about the Meditation Carnival: The Right Vipassana

So, after finding the benefits of Vipassana meditation technique, many of you would be eager to get on a course. Here we have information about the Meditation Carnival organized by the School of Life under the theme – Vipassana. This is a one day program intended to teach the fundamentals of the Vipassana meditation technique and how to experience the benefits of it.

Details about the Event – Meditation Carnival: The Right Vipassana

Date: 28th Aug, 2016

Time: 10:00 AM – 02:30 PM (Registration will start at 09:45 AM)

Venue: R 814, Metro Station, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, 110060

So what do you benefit from this one-day Vipassana Meditation program?

  1. You will be able to know the basics of Vipassana and how this technique should be applied to your meditation practice.
  2. You will also learn the art of making a peaceful, stress-free life.
How to get Registered?

If you are convinced of the meditation benefits and wish to give a shot for the program, here is how you can Register for the event.

Tickets for the Meditation Carnival : The Right Vipassana can be got from the online events portal, Goeventz.

To book your tickets, Click Here – Register for the Meditation Carnival : The Right Vipassana.

If you want to know further details regarding the event, you  can visit Goeventz.

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A freelance content writer who got into blogging out of passion. A loving soul, a happy bird flying beyond horizons to reach the unreachable.

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