Summer Lip Care tips to Pamper your Pout

Generally human lips are very sensitive part on the face. The skin is so tender and is easily damaged. During extreme weathers, like summer or winter, we find out lips getting damaged easily. So, it is essential that we should take right care of our lips and particularly in summer, the lip problems gets increased. In summer season due to excessive heat, our lips will become very dry. To avoid dryness in lips here are few summer lip care tips to follow.

Summer Lip Care Tips:

  • The common problem in summer is dryness. We can prevent dryness by using lip gloss and lip balms as moisturizers.
  • For dryness in lips we can also apply some coconut oil on lips daily. This will help in keeping the moisture locked in your lips. And also we should avoid going out in the sun rays. If needed, have to wear a lip balm with SPF, or else the heated sun rays will absorb all the moisture out of your lips and it will turn very dry.
  • In order to moisturize our lips we should apply a mix of almond oil and coconut oil. Take equal quantities of both the oils and apply on lips regularly. This will be giving enough moisturization to the lips for a long time.
  • Due to excessive heat in summer, our lips might turn dark. To change our lip color take some saffron (kesar) and mix it with curd. Apply this curd on  lips twice a day. By doing this regularly our lips will get the good natural color.
  • Hydration is important. To hydrate our lips in summer season, we have to drink plenty of water. We can also take lots of fluids intake in our regular diet. But try to avoid tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks. Instead of that we can drink some fresh fruit drinks or green smoothies.
  • By eating fresh green vegetables and fruits we can protect our lips from harsh weather conditions.
  • Lip care is also a part of oral health. So we have to prevent our lips from diseases. By doing some lip care techniques.
    • Massaging lips every night is the best treatment to get better lips. For that, take ½ tspn glycerin, ½ tspn lemon juice, and ½ tspn castor oil mix it and massage your lips for 2-3 minutes leave it overnight.
    • Exfoliating our lips is the most important technique. This will helps to remove dead skins and also promotes new skin cells to grow. Exfoliate is nothing but use appropriate lip scrub. We can also use some homemade lip scrub. Sugar scrub is the easiest scrub. What we have to do is gently rub it on our lips for 2-3 minutes then rinse off. This will remove any dead skins and make your lips smoother.

So protecting your lips in summer is not a great task. Once you follow all these simple summer lip care tips, you can easily prevent the damage from occuring.

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