Hair Spa Treatment at Home
Hair spa treatments are great for your hair. If you are going to a spa salon for your hair treatment, you will experience the exotic pleasure of the treatment. However, you can have the similar kind of experience as home as well. Here we have the post on how to do hair spa treatment at home.
Hair spa is treated to reverse hair damage. It also refreshes mild and body. Taking hair spa treatments once in a while can rejuvenate and condition your valuable tresses. You have to choose the right kind of hair spa treatment for your hair. Protein hair spa treatment is best for damaged hair. Oil hair spa treatments can be great for dry hairs. Fruits hair packs will benefit greasy hair.
There are few major steps for hair spa treatment at home. Follow it the right way and experience the pleasure of hair spa at home.
Step 1 – Massaging the Scalp
Massaging is the important part of hair spa. This is the first step as well. Before getting into any kind of spa, you have to condition your hair. For massaging your scalp, use some warmed up oil on scalp. Gently massage for 15 minutes and wrap with a towel. Coconut oil is the best for hair oil massage. You can also use argan oil, castor oil or olive oil for this purpose. Doing this hair massage will increase blood circulation on your head and also boosts hair growth.
Step 2 – Steaming the hair
Steaming your hair will open up the pores and purifies the scalp from toxins. For this, you can do direct steaming with hot vapors or using professional steamers. Alternatively, you can dip a clean towel in hot water and after squeezing out excess water; wrap it around your hair. This will help the massaged hair oil to penetrate deep into your hair scalp. You have to do the hair steaming for about 5-6 minutes.
Step 3 – Cleansing your hair
After massaging and steaming your hair, you need to cleanse it thoroughly. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. You can also use herbal homemade shampoo from our earlier post. Always use cold water for cleansing your hair. Hot water will harm the hair roots.
Step 4 – Conditioning the hair
Post shampooing, use a good conditioner for your hair. This will make your hair soft and conditioned. Here are few hair conditioning ideas you can use at home.
You can use tea leaves decoction combined with few drops of lime juice as a hair conditioner.
Try to make a paste with grated beetroot by adding hibiscus powder with it. The hibiscus flower powder will be a great base for hair conditioning as it is rich in iron and vitamins.
Rinse your hair after half an hour using just water. Do not shampoo after conditioning.
Step 5 – Hair Mask
Applying hair mask is the crucial step in hair spa; because, this seals off the nourishment into your hair. You can make homemade hair masks as well.
You can mix two eggs with honey and coconut oil for a hair mask. You can also add olive oil.
You can make a hair mask from ripe banana. This will make your hair much softer.
Leave the hair mask on scalp for around 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo.
Hair spa treatments are usually blended with exotic oils and hair masks. When applying hair masks, take into consideration the quality of your hair as well as the hair problems you face. The right deep-conditioning hair pack can do wonders for your hair. Learn few other hair masks for hair spa from our post here and try it.
Completing these 5 steps will finish your hair spa at home. You can pamper your hair once in a month with this hair spa treatment to attain a clean, softer, and shinier hair.
Share us about your hair spa experience in the comments section.